This tutorial demonstrates how you can use data exported from your EHR to calculate your No-Show rate. If your rate is above 10% you should consider a Quality Improvement project.No Show-Rate is an extremely important measure for programs with service based billing like an Outpatient Mental Health Clinic. Every time a client misses an appointment without proper notification, that's time you could have spent providing services to other clients.
A good No-Show Rate tells us a few different things about the clinic.
First, it is a sign of good fiscal health. If appointments are being attended, that means services are being provided for a billed for. At the same time, it means that opportunity is not being lost. A skipped appointment is a lost opportunity to schedule another client in for a revenue producing visit.
Second, a good rate is a signal of engagement that is indicative of clinical quality. If clients are finding value in their treatment, they will attend appointments or be on top of re-scheduling. Clients in outpatient settings that aren't finding treatment useful are likely to demonstrate poor attendance.
Third, because of #1 and #2 above, this is a valuable metric to look at during value based payment contracts. Insurance companies tend to value metrics that can be derived from claims data, because that is the data that they have access to. Being able to present a good No Show Rate is something they will value that you can bring to the table as an achievement metric.
Formulas Used
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